Patsy Asuncion

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Poetry X Hunger
Cars insulate,
cut fast getaways
from street people who provoke guilt
with hunger that angers
well-behaved routines.
The Voiceless crouch clean forgot
in fast-paced apathy, marooned
with crude cardboard confessions,
dismissed by dog-eat-dog drivers
who insist hungry is a hustle.
Unlike corner beggars,
homeless women and kids run
from street corner scrutiny scramble
for anonymous shelter
from hit-and-run humanity.
Outside White are welcome.
Dirt-colored rags and races
are deprived in ditches –
failed schools, prisons, slums, colored walls.
The tired, the poor, the huddled masses
yearning to breathe free,
the wretched refuse and homeless…
welcomed by the Statue of Liberty
no longer wanted.
Patsy Asuncion
Poetry X Hunger
November 7, 2021